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Project Portfolio Dashboard from Purchase - DIV/0! Showing for # of Projects?


New Member

I bought the excellent combined pack and am just trying my luck with the project portfolio dashboard. I have amended the project task data and also the plans and risks for some of my own project information. Now the main Project Completion % on the dashboard page is showing as DIV/0!

I have 6 projects listed in the Project Details tab and all cells for projects 7-10 are empty on the Project Plans tab. Now the % on the dashboard shows as DIV/0! and I'm unable to work out why with my limited knowledge.

Would anyone be able to offer any suggestions, please?

Thanks in advance :)
The Div/o error means your formula is dividing a value by zero. This is because projects 7-10 are empty. If you don't want the Div/0 Error to appear then you are going to have to add a little more work to the formula.

In the cells where the Div/0 are occurring. try adding this.

=if(iserror(enter the original formula here),0.0%,enter the original formula here)