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Profile matching


New Member

I am working on a personnel appraisal project. Candidates fill in a questionaire, which eventually creates a profile, say A=4, B=3, C=2, D=4. I have a selection of job profiles for say Engineers (4,3,3,2) or Sales (2,3,2,5), and I want to Identify which job profile most closely matches the candidate. I have used IF((A=3*AND B=2),Sales,"")type of match, and if the profile exactly meets the candidate profile that is fine, but I want to set a (variable say 5% or 10%) permitted varince in the profile match. So a candidate Engineer might have a profile @10% of (4.4,2.7,3.3,1.9). Can anyone suggest how I can identify a close match?

Many thanks, Brian
Hi Brian ,

One measure of matching is to minimize the RMS value of the difference ; RMS is Root Mean Square. To take the example you have given , suppose a desired profile for Engineers is 4 , 3 , 3 and 2.

Suppose a candidate's profile is 3.5 , 2 , 3 and 2.5 ; taking the square of the differences ((4-3.5)^2 + (3-2)^2 + (3-3)^2 + (2-2.5)^2 ) , dividing by 4 , to get the mean difference , and then taking the square root will give a value ; if there is an exact match , this value will be 0 ; the closer this value is to 0 , the better the match.


That is a real good solution, I will use the MIN function to select the nearest job role. I will later, after we have acquired enough data, make sure the match is within a tolerance. I actually only need the sum of the difference squared, as there are the same number of parameters for each match.

Thank you

TPM Brian