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Production Manufacturing Schedule HELP - Automate & Ease of Use - Dashboard, Macro, Formula


New Member
Hello All,

This site has really helped me in the past and I am again in need of some more help and guidance with a BIG request. I have searched and read the articles on this site that refer to scheduling but not sure how to go about this with what I am in need of… I am just too close to this and hit a block.

I also understand and have debated about this post needing to be posted separately to get the help I need but I know it has to be looked at as a whole to understand where I am trying to go with it to get the help needed.

Scheduling jobs to run in production on 15 different machines with different machine criteria has been added to my responsibilities. With very limited help and time I am at a point where I am figuring the best way to go about this with factoring in the many different variables and factors when trying to schedule for production and of what I am in need of.

Intro information:

Each production run is different and can vary from 1 hour runs of 3,000 parts up to a couple weeks’ of a run of millions of parts. Hours on the schedule do factor in setup and run time, but do change due to efficiencies.

We schedule based off due dates with 2 exceptions. First when a customer may have 2 or more of orders for the same item and will run both orders back to back to minimize setup times and other down time. Second is if a job may have a high priority and we need to meet the customer’s needs.

The current way it is/has been done is not efficient in the least and takes up too much time. The schedule is used for both production and customer service which adds another factor.

Each machine has different criteria, which is broke down by essentially 3 to 4 factors of information. Tab Machine info, Schedule Example.xlsm

1. TW- Tool Width

2. F/M – Tool type (either F or M)

3. HH – Holes Cleared

4. TL – Tool Length (only affects 2 machines)

Daily we print an updated 2 week & 4 week schedule for our plant floor and team leads. Customer services reviews the schedule digitally and look at the full schedule to track jobs when they will be on the machine. The tab labelled Combo shows a production due date along with a ship date which is 2 days after productions due date.


1. Make an easier way to add new jobs to the schedule.

a. Current method is to go machine by machine, week by week to look for an opening to add new job. Which some customers may not need their order to an later date and if machines runs better than expected there may be openings sooner and will be able to move a new job in the open spot.

2. Make an easier way to move jobs that may be running late or have a higher priority.

a. Currently we find the job that is needed to be moved to an earlier date copy and paste it to a new spot and have to copy and paste the other jobs around it. This method has WAY too many ways to make a mistake. For example jobs may have duplicates and will show on multiple machines. Another example would be that jobs may be accidently deleted and not put back on the schedule.

3. Have weekly hours adjust based on what day of the week it is and what work schedule production is work. For example see below.

a. Every morning after I figure the hours left on each machine and what the status is. I manually change what is left for the weekly workable hours (Reference Schedule Example.xlsm, Tab North Side Cell F3. Which shows cell with that week’s weekly hours). For example on Tuesday morning production is working four 12 hour days, I will subtract 21 hours from 86, showing there are 65 hours left. Schedule Example.xlsm, Tab Weekly Hours in rows labelled Hours shows what hours are left.

b. Depending on how busy we are our production floors’ hours change. During peak times we will work four 12 hour days vs when we are slow they work four 10 hour days. Fridays are overtime days and may only have 1 of the 2 shifts work. This is decided earlier in the week depending on how busy we are and how many personnel we can get to work overtime. See Schedule Example.xlsm, Tab Weekly Hours for breakdown. *A 5 day work week with 3 shifts is being discussed and is a possibility for the future.

c. We do have some holidays off like Memorial Day or Fourth of July.

4. On tabs North & South on Schedule Example.xlsm, eliminate the need to manually delete the weeks that have passed and manually add new weeks. Each week has headers of the following:

Tool #


Job #









a. Currently at the end of the week we manually delete that week and will copy and paste new weeks for weeks coming up; like for the year.

b. We also manually move and add hours to the following weeks.

5. On tab Schedule List looking to add columns to show the start and finish dates based off the hours left. Also need to factor in our workable time and days off.

6. Daily Hours Example.xlsx is what is used to figure the hours that are left for the current jobs running and gives information needed for other departments. Once done entering information have it update the schedule with those hours for those jobs and save all information to a master log sheet with the date it was for.

7. Make a report to show what machines are falling behind and show what jobs will be late.

8. Summary tab to show: (or dashboard?)

a. How total hours for each machine

b. What machines falling behind.

c. Total hours & count how many jobs fall into 3 criteria. See tab tool sizes & lead times;

i. (TW) Each different tool size.

1. There are some acquired tools with tool widths not listed.

ii. (F/M) F or M

iii. (HH) Yes or No


I understand jobs need to be listed in a table (master) vs all different columns but not sure the best method to accomplish this while making it more automated with all the factors. A gantt chart would help but not sure how to incorporate it with 15 machines.


  • Schedule Example.xlsm
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  • Daily Hours Example.xlsx
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