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Problems with incremental Function in Macro

yan nian

New Member
i've faced an issues with incremental functions. My current excel macro can't generate incremental number by +1. I will explain in more details in the following.
Firstly, i have a macro files(file named: Still working on it.xlsm) there are one button inside this macro files with assign macro vba the function of this macro will actually convert a file (file named: File Header.xls) into certain formats in text files(PaymentFile01.txt).
These are the following output in text files
I need to make it incremental like this whenever it convert to the text files (PaymentFile01.txt). This paymentfile01.txt that contains AJ_20161206_001 will be removed as this AJ_20161206_002 will be generated into the same path

i do have a sample on how to do this, it's based on Date( Sample function that i need.xlsm),but i can't integrate it into my code in Still working on it.xlsm because it's different situation as it seems to be more complicated.
Still working on it.xlsm codes
Sub CreatePFHeaderFooter()

    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim data(1 To 29) As String
    Dim myfile As String
    'file location
    myfile = "C:\Users\lye.yan.nian\Desktop\File Header.xls"
    Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=myfile
    DatFile1Name = ThisWorkbook.Path + "\PaymentFile01.txt"
    Open DatFile1Name For Output As #1    'create csv file

    x = 2
    While Cells(x, 1).Value <> ""

        If Cells(x, 3) = "" Then Cells(x, 3) = getNewID(Cells(x - 1, 3))

        For y = 1 To 28
            data(y) = Cells(x, y)

        Print #1, Join(data, "|")
        x = x + 1

    Close #1
    MsgBox ("File PaymentFile01.TXT created")
End Sub

Function getNewID(OldID As String) As String
    Dim arr() As String, strDate As String
    Dim d As Date

    arr = Split(OldID, "_")
    strDate = arr(1)
    d = DateSerial(Left(strDate, 4), Mid(strDate, 5, 2), Right(strDate, 2))

    If d = Date Then
        arr(2) = Format(CInt(arr(3)) + 1, "000")
        arr(1) = Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")
        arr(2) = "001"
    End If

    getNewID = Join(arr, "_")
End Function

Sample function that i need.xlsm
Private Sub Workbook_Open()

If [B1] = "" Then
    [B1] = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
    [B2] = 1
    If Trim([B1]) <> Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy") Then
        [B1] = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        [B2] = 1
        [B1] = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        [B2] = [B2] + 1
    End If
End If

End Sub

i've uploaded 4 files
1. Still working on it.xlsm
2. File Header.xls (still working on it.xlsm will process this file)
3. PaymentFile01.txt (The output)
4. Sample function that i need.xlsm


  • File Header.xls
    18 KB · Views: 1
  • PaymentFile01.txt
    55 bytes · Views: 4
  • Sample function that i need.xlsm
    12.9 KB · Views: 1
  • Still working on it.xlsm
    19.5 KB · Views: 0
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This paymentfile01.txt that contains AJ_20161206_001 will be removed(take this as a condition as it will be removed manually and it's not going to be written in VBA) as this AJ_20161206_002 will be generated into the same path
These are the following output in text files
I need to make it incremental like this whenever it convert to the text files (PaymentFile01.txt). This paymentfile01.txt that contains AJ_20161206_001 will be removed as this AJ_20161206_002 will be generated into the same path
Sub test()
    Dim fn As String, txt As String, myVal, temp
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("TextFiles,*.txt")
    If fn = "False" Then Exit Sub
    txt = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll
    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "_(\d+)(?=\|)"
        myVal = Format$(.Execute(txt)(0).submatches(0) + 1, "_000")
        txt = .Replace(txt, myVal)
        Open Replace(fn, ".txt", "_Increment.txt") For Output As #1
            Print #1, txt
        Close #1
    End With
End Sub
hi Jindon, i have a slightly problem, whenever i generate this incremental numbers, there will be a blank row created under the line. For let say,
the text file contains only this
When i press 5 times for my button to make my data increment there will be
//blank row1
//blank row2
//blank row3
//blank row4
//blank row5

How am i going to prevent the blank row being created or is there anyway to delete this blank row in the text file?
Try change to
Sub test()
    Dim fn As String, txt As String, myVal, temp
    fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("TextFiles,*.txt")
    If fn = "False" Then Exit Sub
    txt = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll
    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "_(\d+)(?=\|)"
        myVal = Format$(.Execute(txt)(0).submatches(0) + 1, "_000")
        txt = .Replace(txt, myVal)
        .Pattern = "(\r\n)+$"
        Open Replace(fn, ".txt", "_Increment.txt") For Output As #1
            Print #1, .Replace(txt, "")
        Close #1
    End With
End Sub
If it doesn't work, need to see your file.

I will be out, so reply will be late this afternoon.
jindon, i found out the part that keep generating the blank column.
I used the first version of your code.
Print #1, txt; //add a semicolon at the last part, then solved.
it's like surpressing a new line from being insert.
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