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Problem with Interactive Chart

MSC Bobs

Hello everyone,

I'm having a charting problem and I'm hoping somebody is able to assist.

I'm using a combo box to select a range that populates a column chart, but I'm not having success in getting it to work.

I've looked at the Chandoo tutorial and other ones I've found on the internet, but I've not been successful.

I'm hoping somebody can take a look at what I've done and assist me in getting it to work.

Thank you.


  • Interactive Chart Problem.xlsx
    26.2 KB · Views: 5
Thanks Narayan, I appreciate it.

But how come the chart itself does not keep its formatting when a new item is selected from the combo box?
I had colored each column differently. The left column I had formatted as blue, the middle as grey, and the right as green.

The formatting disappears once the combo box is used and different options are selected. All the columns revert to the default blue.

Even if I go back to combo box's original value of eFG there is not the custom coloring I made.
I'm using Excel 2013 and Excel 2016 and it's changing the formatting. This has happened with other charts, too.

I figure using VBA ought to fix it, but I don't know any VBA.

Either way, I appreciate your help. Thanks!