plz find excel sheet with DATA ,Table 1, Table 2 ,
In Data, table 1 i created a pivot table with slicer ,but I would like to add a row (kxe , mxe ….) to a single slicer with connection to other two slicers.
If you have the ability to alter the data structure then the task of adding slicers for Year, Date, and ID become very easy. In the attached I rearranged your data to be more user friendly and then attached a Pivot with the desired slicers.
Thank you very much wally. i got the solution ,but is there any possibility to do without rearranging the table.if no,can u tell me how to rearrange easily.i would like to update it in monthly basis.
pradeepbmw, I unfortunately don't have a good method for rearranging data. Depending on where the data is coming from you should be able to establish the correct layout once and then just keep building on it. The alternative is ugly but quicker than manually moving data.
1) Take the Pivot Table in Table 1 and move Years and Months to Column field
2) Right click on 2015 (on the Pivot table)
3) Select Field Settings
4) Layout & Print option tab
5) Select Repeat item labels
6) Repeat for Month
7) Now your data will look like Sheet 1's Pivot Table (You can clean it up by removing subtotals & grand totals)
8) Highlight and copy all data and paste as values for new table
9) Pivot new table and add slicers
Again not clean or quick but better than manually moving a ton of data by Cut/Paste. Ideally you should work with the data provider to arrange the data ahead of time.