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Print the Active Sheets


Active Member
Hell Sir,

Kindly help me about this mistake, i can't understand where is my mistake

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim sh As Worksheet

Set sh = ActiveSheet



ActiveSheet = MsgBox("Do you want print" & ActiveSheet.Item, vbOKCancel,"PrintPreview")

Worksheet.Item.PrintPreview True

End Sub

With Regards

The output of the MsgBox is going to be vbOk or vbCancel, thus you can't set the ActiveSheet equal to it. Usually you want have a variable take the output of the MsgBox and then test the variable to see what the response was.

Also, not sure what "ActiveSheet.Item" is supposed to be referring to. This is also causing errors for me.
Thank Q Luke M Sir,

if you don't mind please help me with the perfect VB Code

i am success up to 80 % but the rest 20 % is mistake against the below code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim sh As Worksheet

Set sh = ActiveSheet



ActiveSheet = MsgBox("Do you want print " & ActiveSheet.Name, vbOKCancel, "PrintPreview")

If sh = 1 Then

Set sh = ActiveSheet.Name.PrintPreview

ActiveSheet.Name.PrintPreview True

End If

End Sub

hence i oblige

Thanking you

With regards

Still not 100% sure what your intent was, but this code doesn't generate any errors at least.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim xChoice As Variant

Set sh = ActiveSheet
'Now that we've defined sh, don't refer to Activesheet again

xChoice = MsgBox("Do you want print " & sh.Name, vbOKCancel, "PrintPreview")
If xChoice = vbOK Then
'Is this really want you want, to back to print preview?
sh.PrintPreview True

'Or did you really want to print using this line:
End If

End Sub