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Price Per Unit or carton cost


New Member
Hi there,

need your help in determining something. I have a carton of a product with 12 units in the carton. The carton price is $10, so the unit cost of $0.83333 etc.

If I give the price .83 or .84 to my customer as a unit price, there is a difference to the carton price.

Example 12x0.83 = 9.96 or 12x0.84 = 10.04

Is there a solution to this as my customers have to buy a complete carton, but the price unit verses the carton price over the course of a year and hundreds of orders is major.


Are you selling the product strictly at a unit price, or do you offer discount for buying a carton? An option might be to just list your price as "carton of 12 for $10" and then when you need to calculate based on units, do:
