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Prevent pages from popups pages


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone
I started to deal with selenium and I have this code
Sub Test()
    Dim bot As New WebDriver
    Dim r As Long
    Dim c As Long

    bot.Start "chrome", "http://electoralservicessearch.azurewebsites.net"
    bot.Get "/searchbyname.aspx"

    For r = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        With Sheets(1)
            c = 1
            bot.FindElementById("txt_Epicno").SendKeys (CStr(.Cells(r, 1).Value))

            If bot.FindElementById("lblmsg").Text Like "Your Record is Not Available*" Then
                .Cells(r, c + 1).Value = "Your Record is Not Available Now. For Further Enquiry Please Call 1950."
                .Cells(r, c + 1).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbnameen").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 2).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbparten").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 3).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbserialen").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 4).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbpartnameen").Text
            End If
        End With
    Next r
End Sub

Data in column A

The problem is that when posting a value using sendkeys I found that there are windows opening in new tabs (advertisements) and that make the code fails
How to prevent those advertisements ..?
FYI - I think with exception of @shahin most of us in the forum don't use Selenium. Personally I'm not big fan of it. You may have better luck asking in Selenium forum or in Stackoverflow.
The same result .. I can't escape those disturbing popups

I even changed "chrome" to "IE" and the same problem
Try this. It should lead you fetch whatever items you wanna parse from that page disabling notifications programmatically. I've passed a hardcoded value to the ".SendKeys()" to let you know that it works.

Sub Test_sth()
    Dim driver As New ChromeDriver, post As Object
    With driver
        .AddArgument "--disable-notifications"
        .get "http://electoralservicessearch.azurewebsites.net/searchbyname.aspx"
        .FindElementById("txt_Epicno").SendKeys ("MSS3007457")
    End With
    Set post = driver.FindElementById("lbacnameen")
    [A1] = post.Text
End Sub
Thanks a lot for great help Shahin
The problem is in looping .. I got the same result for all the items in column A
This is my try till now
Sub Scrape_Voters_ElectoralServicesSearch_Using_Selenium_Loops()
    Dim bot        As New WebDriver
    Dim ele        As Object
    Dim esa        As Object
    Dim r          As Long
    Dim c          As Long

    bot.AddArgument "--disable-notifications"
    bot.Start "chrome", "http://electoralservicessearch.azurewebsites.net"
    bot.Get "/searchbyname.aspx"

    For r = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        With Sheets(1)
            c = 1
            Set esa = bot.FindElementById("searchbyname1", timeout:=0, Raise:=False)
            Application.Wait (10000)

            If esa Is Nothing Then
                bot.FindElementById("txt_Epicno").SendKeys (CStr(.Cells(r, 1).Value))
            End If

            Set ele = bot.FindElementById("lblmsg", timeout:=0, Raise:=False)

            If Not ele Is Nothing Then
                .Cells(r, c + 1).Value = "Your Record is Not Available Now. For Further Enquiry Please Call 1950."
                .Cells(r, c + 1).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbnameen").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 2).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbparten").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 3).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbserialen").Text
                .Cells(r, c + 4).Value = bot.FindElementById("lbpartnameen").Text
            End If

            Set esa = Nothing: Set ele = Nothing
        End With
    Next r

End Sub
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disable notification doesn't prevent pages to be opened in new tabs ..
I need a way to prevent new tabs from being created in that case
What happens when you do something like below. Your logic was wrong. However, It's a quick demo so I didn't try to avoid "On error resume next".

Sub Test_sth()
    Dim driver As New ChromeDriver, post As Object
    Dim lrow As Long, cel As Range

    lrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For Each cel In Range("A1:A" & lrow)
        With driver
            .AddArgument "--disable-notifications"
            .get "http://electoralservicessearch.azurewebsites.net/searchbyname.aspx"
            .FindElementById("txt_Epicno").SendKeys (cel)
        End With
        On Error Resume Next
        Set post = driver.FindElementById("lbacnameen")
        cel(1, 2) = post.Text
        On Error GoTo 0
    Next cel
End Sub

Search keywords are in Range("A1:A4"):
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I really liked that. This is a successful point till now
How to put "Not Available" if not found .. I know you hate "On Error Resume Next" and me too
So how to handle this error
I tried to make skip points "On Error GoTo Nxt .. but I encountered errors later for not finding other records
I really get stuck while dealing with that vicious line. However, few legends are here in this forum and I always seek help to them if I'm unable to bypass errors. You know the list of those legends.
Thanks a lot anyway. I have reached a very good point in this issue
Thank you very very much for awesome help
You are really brilliant