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prepaid schdule in excel/starting date not working


New Member

I am working on the same thing since two days, bur i cann't find a solution for this.

Here my requirement is to distributr the amount based on the START DATE AND END DATE. Following is the example.......

paid exp payable #of Mon START END 01/01/11 01/02/11 01/03/11 01/04/11 01/05/11

1000 100 900 5 01/01/2011 31/06/2011 180 180 180 180 180

1500 150 1350 3 01/03/2011 31/05/2011 450 450 450

The expenses should be distributing like this.....

Please can any one help me in this regard.

Hi Sekhar ,

Can you clarify a few points ?

1. Let us say you have entered data in columns A and B i.e. the amounts paid , and the expenses will be entered.

2. The Amount Payable ( in column C ) is now = Amount Paid - Expenses

3. What about the # of Months ( in column D ) , is this entered ?

4. The Start Date is also entered , in column E.

5. The End Date ( in column F ) can be calculated , using data entered in (3) and (4).

6. Based on the above 1 through 5 , the Amount Payable can be distributed in the number of installments specified in (3).

Do you want only this much ?

Hi Sekhar,

I tried to decifer your data table but it was a mess. could you please arrange your data table again for insight? and answering Narayan's questions as well, cos I have the same questions, too. Thanks.
Hi Narayan,

Thanks for your reply.

As you said abouve 1&2 points are OK.

Third point is #of Months (no of months is calculation from satart date - end date, which is entered manually)

Start date and end date should enter.

The criteria is-- I have paid an amount of Rs.1000 to MR. A in the month of Jan11. Out of this amount Rs.250/- taken as expenses and rest of the amount(1000-250=750)(which is taken as prepaid expenses) should be equally distributed ot Feb11,mar11,Apr11 as 250,250,250.

Please help me.

Hi Sekhar ,

Let us assume your data starts from cell A6 as follows :

A6 = Amount Paid ( e.g. 1000 )

B6 = Expenses ( e.g. 250 )

C6 will be a formula =A6-B6 ( e.g. 750 )

D6 will be a formula =MONTH(F6)-MONTH(E6) ( e.g. 3 )

E6 = Start Date , entered ( 1/1/2011 )

F6 = End Date , entered ( 31/3/2011 )

Now , the distribution of the balance amount of 750 , will be put in cells G6 , H6 , I6 , and so on , depending on the number of months.

Copy the following formula in cells G6 through say R6 , or even beyond.

