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PowerPivot: How can I address individual cells or ranges within DAX measure


New Member
Has anyone figured out how to get DAX to access cells or named ranges? The PowerPivot FAQ says "Unlike Excel formulas, DAX has no notion of addressing individual cells or ranges". I'm hoping there is a way around this.

Specifically, I'm trying to use a calculated date form cell (A5) and use this value as the value for a DAX measure.


Good day Jerome Ware

If you Google your Title of your post there is a huge amount of web talk on this subject.

I suggest that you make a very large pot of coffee and go surfing.

I do not think this is possible directly. Then again, I am a PowerPivot noob, so I may be wrong.

So here is an alternative approach:

1. Set up your A5 as a table

2. Link it to power pivot

3. create a measure that points to the table value (since a single value is there, you can use SUM([column]) and you would have the measure).

4. Use this measure in your other DAX formulas.

5. When you value changes (in the spreadsheet) just refresh powerpivot.
Hi, Jerome Ware!

Chandoo released today this article, you'll surely want to read it:

