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Power query unsolved errors


New Member
Hi there, would be very grateful for support as can’t find anything on Google to help!
  1. I created queries on Excel Power Query to analyse my data. Afterwards, I added a couple of questions to the original survey. The query then gave an error message that certain columns (the metadata columns; submitted by, index_, etc) could not be found. I did a manual download of the survey data and could see the columns there (exactly the same), just in a later order as they’d been bumped forward by the additional questions. Why does this happen - I thought Power Query identified columns by their title, not by their order?
  2. I managed to sort this problem by going into the advanced query editor and deleting any reference to columns which the queries couldn’t find. The queries loaded fine after that, but when I closed that window to get back to excel, I then got a message saying ‘trusted document settings have changed’, not all content in this file is allowed to run’. I’ve tried changing the source data and putting in the updated synchronous export link, but that hasn’t worked. Does anyone know why this message is there + what I can do?