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Power Query : Add a custom column to get YTD value and Custom column to have Forecast value


New Member
Dear All,

I would really appreciate your help.

I have a file; the data is imported via connection only in Power Query. I have many columns (Text and monthly data) but most important ones are the monthly columns. I want to have a custom column for YTD, which will sum up all these columns. Then I want to have another YTD column where it will divide the YTD value by the no of months I have and multiply by 12.

So, suppose we have two months data (April and May).

April = £1,000
May - £3,000

I want a custom column for YTD and the result should be = £4,000
Another custom column for Forcast and the result should be = (£4,000/2) x 12 = £24,000

and when I have in the next month 3 months data (April, May and June)

It should sum up all three months, and for the forecast, it should divide by 3 and multiply by 12 automatically.

Your help would be really appreciated.


  • Monthly Datas.jpg
    Monthly Datas.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 6
Cannot manipulate data in a picture. Suggest you supply us with a file uploaded with enough sample data to evaluate all types of situations.
Please, reread Forum Rules:
  • Cross-Posting. Generally, it is considered poor practice to cross post. That is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker.
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Please, reread Forum Rules:
  • Cross-Posting. Generally, it is considered poor practice to cross post. That is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker.
  • If you do cross-post, please put that in your post.
  • Also if you have cross-posted and get an Solution elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the Solution here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting their time on your answered question.

I Apologise for cross-posting and will avoid doing this in future.

Below is the explanation and solution file attached. The solution I have got from myonlinetraininghub.com by Riny van Eekelen.

"Data is nothing more than the "TransformColumnType" step renamed to something more friendly. I used the step name later on when I do a Merge. but now I changed after seeing your file, to make it more dynamic.
Then the Count step is a manually added step that counts the number of columns int he table and deducts 1 to not count the first column. Since your table has 9 text columns you need to deduct 9 here.
And the grouping need to be done on column that contains the unique identifier for each row, so I changed the Name column as a n example."


  • YTD and Forecast.xlsx
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