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Power Pivot- Error in the Combination of Distinct function with All functi


Hi guys. First of all thanks for your attention. Easy question

I'm using this syntax in excel power pivot table

=DISTINCT(ALL(Table2[sedi]) to get as result all the unique values that the field "sedi" displays, despite filters applied in the corresponding pivot table

But i got as result "The DISTINCT function expects a column reference expression for argument '1', but a table expression was used."

Any tips???


Hi, davecrt!

Does this help?


Hi Dave ,

First , I have absolutely no idea of Powerpivot. I have never worked with it.

If you see this link :


there is a section , from which I will quote :

ALL( {<table> | <column>[, <column>[, <column>[,…]]]} )

Table. The table that you want to clear filters on.

Column. The column that you want to clear filters on.

The argument to the ALL function must be either a reference to a base table or a reference to a base
column. You cannot use table expressions or column expressions with the ALL function.
The last sentence is probably the key :

You cannot use table expressions or column expressions with the ALL function ; is your Table2 or Table2[sedi] a base table or a base column ?

By expression
, I assume they mean a calculated or derived table or a calculated column , unlike a base table or base column.

What is your Table2 or Table2[sedi] ?

@SirJB7 i have already read the Microsoft post, but unfortunately while they indicate that the DAX combination

DISTINCT(ALL( Table[Column])) should work fine for the above mentioned scope, in my case get the error i reported :(

@Naraya Table2=base table

Table2[sedi]=base column

So they should work fine. At leat considering the indication Microsoft give in the post indicated by @Sirjb7
Hi Dave ,

In that case , all I can suggest is that if you can upload your file , anyone who has Powerpivot on their computer can check what the problem is. I do not have it.


I have found also this post from Microsoft, but still they do not give a solution to the issue..
Mmmm.. Gotta the same error with this syntax


The SUM function only accepts a column reference as an argument.

It is really strange..distinct should return a column so why the SUM function does not accept it as parameter??