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Power BI: Double noob Question: Baseline & Time Line


New Member
Hello everyone,

Brand new here and extremely (and I mean extremely) new to Power BI. At work we're trying to get Power BI Online intergrated into our SharePoint site (lots of jumping around happening) so I've been slowly working on learning how to use PBI. My manager has asked to have a variety of visual provided to simulate what things will look like in the future when we start working in and connecting data together, etc.

So two things I've not come across during my limited courses I've been taking is, how to assign a baseline so we can say, everything about this number will show in red, everything under this line will be green and having it display this by a month to month situation. Ie. Jan/Feb/Mar/April/May, etc across the bottom and numbers riding up the side would be between 0-50 lets say and everything below 5-10 is green, everything 11-50 red for fails.

The OTHER request is, how can we show projects that have met their deadlines, on track to meet their deadlines and most importantly failed to meet them. I don't have any data sheets to provide because it's really just make up stuff to simulate things.
Currently the headers I have in the excel file I created are: Project Name, Status (On Target, Completed, Behind Plan) Phase (this just has Design, Not Started, Build & Test under it), and then finally Target Date
My initial thought was to figure out a formula that says, if Status shows X, X, or X then Target Date wold be red, green or blue? but honestly I'm so new I'm clueless to how this would work.

Thanks in advance for your help with helping me figure this out!!
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You should reread Forum Rules
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  • Cross-Posting. Generally, it is considered poor practice to cross post. That is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker.
  • If you do cross-post, please put that in your post.
  • Also if you have cross-posted and get an Solution elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the Solution here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting their time on your answered question.
I thought Cross Post was menat for hte same site, not other sites and no reply other than this has ever been made so I'm starting to guess these things are not possible or too difficult to do for someone new to Power BI.