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Post Migration - Excel 03 to Excel 10 - conflicts valid range reference or ...


New Member
We recently migrated from Office 2003 to Office 2010.

Just to give some background, (and I dont' know if this is relevant to this error), the Office 2003 excel did not accurately show the correct file paths where files were linked. It would show something in the C drive.

The issue I am concerned about today is this: when some users close files in 2010 (files were created in they sometimes get the error below:

'"The name ABE2, either conflicts with a valid range reference or is invalid for Excel. This name has been replaced with _ABE2"

Can someone assist me with this? I need to stop it from appearing and I am not sure how.

(I read the guidelines, and i did post this question exactly workded on techguy.org)
In 2007+, you have more columns and rows available to you. These additional columns is what's causing the problem. In 2003, the last column was IV. In 2007, it's XFD. So, the name "ABE2" is now a possible cell reference, where it wasn't a cell reference in 2003. Microsoft did think of this a little bit, thus causing all of the named ranged to get the "_" prefix added to them. You'll need to change the names to either have 4 letters, or prefix it with a character like the underscore.