I know that if you want a message to pop up on a specific sheet, you click on the worksheet tab, view code, & add the code. However I am trying to add the code to thisworkbook, so the code does not have be on each sheet. I know that the code below is missing something, but I can't figure out what.
I forgot to mention that when I tested the code nothing happened.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Select Case Sh.Name
'These are the worksheets here that are not to be called with activation.
Case "Sheet1", "Sheet11", "Sheet21", "Sheet31", "Sheet41", "Sheet42", "Sheet43", "Sheet44", "Sheet 45", "Sheet46", "Sheet47", "Sheet48", "Sheet49", "Sheet50", "Sheet51", "Sheet52", "Sheet53", "Sheet54", "Sheet55", "Sheet56", "Sheet57", "Sheet58"
MsgBox "Please check the year of the next meeting date, & correct as necessary!", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
End Select
End Sub
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