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Pop up message box


Excel Ninja
Good day all

I am trying to get a message box to appear when the user hovers over a cell with the mouse. I have done a search on Google and on Chandon but can not find what I need.

The best thing I have managed to do is use a comment box which seems to do the trick,...but(life is all buts!)there is the matter of the small red triangle in the top right hand corner of all the cells, I would like to remove this but not the comment/message. If the comment is the way to go is there a way of getting all the cells in a columns to have this comment with out having to copy/paste to the cells?

I have achieved this when doing data validation but that does not apply this time.
Hi, bobhc!

As far as I know you can't do that from the moment that neither the objects Workbook nor Worksheet have a "MouseOver" event like Visual Basic does and Visual Basic for Applications doesn't.

About the comment issue, with a macro you can but it isn't neither a smooth nor a efficient way, because comments usually overlaps near cells, and imagine that for a whole column.

It can be done something on the title row, making it higher and putting comments only there if it's always visible.

Hi SirJB7

Tried the Title row and I can freeze the rows so that it is always visible when the person who is entering the data scrolls down the spread sheet......but(yep the but)

the people using this spread sheet are steelworkers, great people for knocking steel billets in to shape but not know for their finesse and love of using computers, that's why I was trying to get a message to open when they moused over a cell to tell them how to put the data in the correct way!
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)c!

I got the point with more clearness than you imagine as I had developed some stuff for production line's workers in heavy industries and don't even think (again, firstly I did) in "clicking with the mouse in that little f... read triangle that I hardly see?" (and sometimes it got hidden behind the dust, I should say...).

An idea might be oversizing the row title, adding some icon, image, or anything alike, and clicking on it to display a text box, a message box, an user form, what you want. But not mouseover-ing as it isn't supported in VBA.

Would you like to upload a sample file so as if a better idea might appear?


Will have another go and let you know how I get on.........but( I like you salutation in your last reply :) )
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)c!

But if my memory don't play tricks and with a little help of the search feature here, you weren't... aka "old man new-tricked and wife controlled"?


Have found that I can use data validation to get 99% of what I was after, I get the message when some one clicks in the cell not hovers with the mouse. I would like to set the data input to a text string but I am not sure how to do this, there are options in the data validation box but not for a text string!!

P.S old man 60 in June
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Did I read wrong or there's a but in your last post? :)

Well, let's see, yes, you're right, clicking on a cell is one thing that requires less precision than clicking on the damned little red triangle at the top right of the cell but (once again?) requires more control than a simple mouse moving. But (second) it's better than nothing.

Within the validation criteria options you have:

- the first three that don't appply (any value, integer, decimal)

- list that maybe

- the following two that don't apply (date, time)

- text length that maybe

- custom that maybe

I don't know which value(s) do you have and how do you want it(them) to be entered in cell. A priori, I'll discard 'custom' and 'length' and focus in 'list'. Whether it is an unique value or a list of values, why not placing it(them) at any place in the worksheet (column Z?) and tie the data validation source to that range? Is it suitable for you? If not, please tell me which value(s) do you want to be tested while inputting.


PS: little boy 51 in past February ;)