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Pop Up Charts within a Dashboard


New Member

I have a dashboard that has some charts sharing a scoll bar so that the user can choose 3 months to view within the years period. They are simple bar charts.

What I would like to do is give the user the option to look at the years data in one chart ( a cut down version more like trend lines really ) within the same graph area without it re-sizing or to pop up a a graph that over lays when you click on a buttom or mouse roll over a YTD option, and then disappears.

Hmm, is this a bit ambitious?
You could do a mouse roll over, but that may be a bit more intensive than you require. I believe the easiest way to implement the functionality you desire is to use a form control checkbox. As you may already know, checkboxes can be connected to a cell on the spreadsheet. When the checkbox is unselected, the linked cell will display a FALSE; when selected, the cell will display TRUE. These TRUE and FALSE values also act as a 1 and 0 respectively. You can use this to your advantage by multiplying the TRUE (a 1) or FALSE (a 0) values against the series you want to appear and disappear. If what I'm saying is confusing, hopefully the enclosed file will provide more insight.
