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Pool Time Saver


Trying to save time if possible when creating pages for my players in my pool. I have been trying to work on a button that generates/saves a PDF for each player/group in my pool (Superbowl_PlayerNames.pdf). Groups would be because they are a couple. The table is formatted to highlight their squares based on the names in the highlighted section off to the left (“Squares”). “Player List” is where my player list and information is stored and I created a "Save" column to note how the grouping goes. If there are two players with the same number here, they are going to be sharing a sheet. The odd part here for me too is getting the shared names in the appropriate cells (highlighted yellow) in “Squares” so the highlights on the actual table happen.

Any help I can get would be really appreciated and a huge timesaver instead of saving one by one.


  • 2021 Superbowl Squares2.xlsm
    490.2 KB · Views: 5