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pls solve this problem use with vlookup formula


New Member
Sales Person No. Customers Net Sales Profit / Loss

Joseph 8 1,592 563

John 8 1,088 397

Josh 8 1,680 753

Jamie 9 2,133 923

Jackie 10 1,610 579

Johnson 10 1,540 570

Jonathan 7 1,316 428

Jagjit 7 1,799 709

Jairam 8 1,624 621

Jessy 6 726 236

Javed 9 2,277 966

Jimmy 6 714 221

Juno 9 2,682 1,023

Who made more sales - Jamie or Jackie?

If you only have one record per sales person and you want to find the sales of two sales people you can enter the names in two cell one below the other and use VLOOKUP to find the sales value of each and compare the two.

However, if you have multiple record per salesperson, you must use SUMIF to total the sales for the salesperson and then compare the two.