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Please help


Excel Ninja
I have one table with two columns. Column A has “Product” details such as mobile, battery, charger, etc.

Column B has status as “Available” & “Not Available”

I want to populate a second table on the base of 1st table.

The second table will have name of the product types marked as available.

For example table 1 will have following values,

cell a1 “mobile” cell b1 “available”

cell a2 “charger” cell b2 “non-available”

cell a3 “battery” cell b3 “available”

The table 2 should be like this,

Cell a1 = mobile

Cell a2 = battery

As cell a2 “charge” is non-available this will not be populated in the table 2.

List of all the available products should be populated serially in the 2nd table, is it possible ?

I cannot use VBA for this, I tried taking concatenate, vlookup, if/or condition but could not get the result.

Can anyone please help me in this. Trying various combinations from yesterday but could not get the results.
The easiest way is create a pivot table on u r data & filter on Available, this will display all the product who's corresponding value is Available.
Hi ,

Can you check out the following question and the worksheet posted there , since I think your question is similar.


Hi Srinidhi, thanks very much for the reply, I had totally forgoten that pivot could work. Once again thanks very much.