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PL A/C for small company

Abdul Azeez

New Member
Dear All,

Could you please favour to send the good Profit and Loss A/C Format for small company in Excel. The Excel should be all report productive, like monthly Exp. Sales, Purchase, Provisions, Deprciations, Profit and so on.
Hi, Abdul Azeez!

Please let us know what have you done to accomplish the job, with what Excel subjects you have faced the main issues, and if there is any particular formula or VBA code piece that you can't develop or make work as desired.

Despite of this, uploading a sample file would be much appreciated so as to widen the scope of your two-lines first post. If you need assistance for uploading, check the second green sticky point at this forums main page (a quick look to the third one won't cause any harm neither).

Hi Abdul Aziz,

Will it not be appropriate to google out web (or Chandoo's downlaod section) for some ready to use templete??




I think I was excessively diplomatic and more elliptical than necessary, right?

@ Hi SirJB7

Did I posted something wrong?? I thought it would be appropriate to first search out web and get some idea how the required work book should look like and then asking for changes in it? Any way I posted just to give the gentleman an idea how to start up If he did't like it he can simply ignore my post? BTW sometime i found myself lagging while understanding your Idiomatic English, ( what does elliptical means) that's a short coming from my side. :D


Hi SirJB7,

I am appreciating your atttitude, in fact,we have an Accounting Program in the Company. Now one of our company's parnter stated yet another small business. I need to start new business A/C in Excel. This new A/C not yet started. Once I filled up the excel, I will upload you to get report.

Once agian Thank you for your sincere in this forum.

With regards,

Abdul Azeez.
@Abdul Azeez


Faseeh's suggestion leads to be best approach to find a solution. Once having found one, or once having begun to develop one, please advise if any trouble or issue arises that you can't handle. We'll be glad to help you.




Nothing wrong at all, I think that what you've wrote is the best way to find a solution.

And I apologize for my english, sometimes it seems to be hard to fully understand.
