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PivotTable problem i think so


New Member
user col value​
413212 grade CE.04
413212 eq EK.08
342860 grade TE.03
342860 eq EK.07

user grade eq​
413212 CE.04 EK.08
342860 TE.03 EK.07
Last edited:
Good day getpras

The members are very good at helping others but even the ninjas have not been given the power to read minds, although you will receive help, you should help yourself by telling the forum WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS and just what you want, take time to think your problem through before posting a question and please use the upload button to upload a sample file.
Good day getpras

The members are very good at helping others but even the ninjas have not been given the power to read minds, although you will receive help, you should help yourself by telling the forum WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS and just what you want, take time to think your problem through before posting a question and please use the upload button to upload a sample file.

Thank you.... I have uploaded the sample file.
Hi getpras..

Pivot table are always used for NUMERICAL data analysis and crunching.
In case of crunching with TEXT data, you have to used FORMULA based approach..
You are using a sledge hammer to crack a nut, why not just use a table and then filter on any result you want.
Thank you.... I don't think I can explain the problem to you......never mind. If you can do it otherwise its Ok.

I think you did not read comment #8.

Please go through the attached file. The solution is in Red colour cells. Please note:
1. The solution is formula based.
2. The user I did copy paste but can be extracted easily for unique ones, through formulas or advanced filters.

Just try this solution to your model otherwise wait for an otherwise solution.



  • SamplerPivot.xlsx
    15.8 KB · Views: 6
Thank you very much......... that array formula is too complex for me. Please don't misunderstand. I am really a average user of Excel.