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Pivot Tables - Counting text names in two columns in one pivot chart.


New Member
I am trying to conduct a pivot table to count the amount of times a given word appears within two columns. Due to the nature of the data it is two columns because I need to understand both columns independently but I also need to provide a calculation to count the amount of times a word appears in each column during a given period. I am aware that I could just complete two pivot tables to count both columns then mannually add the results. But this is problematic and not automated, and when new data is entered with potetentially a new word this may not be in the manual table to count both tables.

Any help really appreciate,

Hello Marc,

Please clarify your requirements.

What do you consider as a "word"? For example, will each item in a list be made up of one or more words, or is an entire list entry considered to be a single word?

I am also not clear on your references to pivot table and pivot chart. Are you hoping to use the Pivot Table feature in Excel for solving this problem?

Perhaps you could provide a sample of your data, and a sample of the desired output (based on that sample input data). You could insert the sample input and output directly in your post, or upload as a separate file.
