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Pivot Tables/Combining Peak Times using Dates and Treatment


New Member
I may have this set up all wrong, but I'm hoping that someone can help me out here. My table has columns with dates, the dates are sorted. My rows have different treatment that are given during the day, I sort by date and time and I want to create a pivot table with a chart showing the peak times for each treatment for each month. I don't know how to attach a document to this post so that you can see what I'm trying to do. I can do this for one treatment but I can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work when I add more treatment times.

I hope I explained this ok.

Thank you so much for your time and expertise....
Good day riverstar5

If you would like to upload a workbook please follow this link.


Dropbox does not require users to register or holds downloads until the advertisements have run, nor does it try to get you to download software and it does not require your sensitive details, it needs and email address so just create one with Google's gmail.
I may have this set up all wrong, but I'm hoping that someone can help me out here. My table has columns with dates, the dates are sorted. My rows have different treatment that are given during the day, I sort by date and time and I want to create a pivot table with a chart showing the peak times for each treatment for each month. I don't know how to attach a document to this post so that you can see what I'm trying to do. I can do this for one treatment but I can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work when I add more treatment times.

Here is the link to the workbook that I'm needing assistance with.


EDIT: Link preventively removed (SirJB7)
Hi, riverstar5!

I removed your posted link as you gave full public access to 2 family photo folders and I think that it wasn't your intention. My recommendation is to give only to your uploaded Excel file public access or use another folder or file sharing sites. In this case, check this:


If you still want to post again your same previous link exposing your photos, it wouldn't be moderated again, at least by me.


Sorry, I have updated the file and removed the pics... Thank you so much for the heads-up... :)
I may have this set up all wrong, but I'm hoping that someone can help me out here. My table has columns with dates, the dates are sorted. My rows have different treatment that are given during the day, I sort by date and time and I want to create a pivot table with a chart showing the peak times for each treatment for each month. I can do this for one treatment but I can't seem to figure out why I can get it to work when I add more treatment times.
