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Pivot Table Use in Multiple Files


New Member
If I have data in multiple files formatted exactly the same, can I copy a pivot table I create in one file for use in the others?
Yes, you can. How? Select your PivotTable, copy it, then paste it wherever you'd like.

One thing you'll need to do (unless you plan on displaying the same set of data in several locations), you'll need to change the data source of the PivotTable. If in Excel 2010, select any cell within the range of the PivotTable. When you do, another option called "PivotTable Tools" will show up in the ribbon (the menu along the top of your Excel window). Choose the "Options" tab, then click the "Change Data Source" button.

A small window will pop up with the location of the data from the original table you copied. Just point it to the new data source, and click okay.

If you aren't in Excel 2010, I think you can right-click the table range and choose "Change Data Source" just the same.

Good luck.