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pivot table to count if an entry contains values and not count actual values


New Member
I have a pivot that counts the occurances in a table of "KEO".

eval_dt Count of KEO

200912 7,732



201201 25,383


201203 29,000

201204 29,788

Grand Total 298,320

Can anyone think of a way in the pivot table to get it to count the instances where "eval_dt" contains a value in "KEO"? Can't modify the data table and would like to find a way to do the calculation in the pivot. Not sure if it's possible but I figure if it is, you guys will figure it out.

eval_dt Count of KEO

200912 1

201012 0

201112 0

201201 1

201202 0

201203 1

201204 1

Grand Total 4
The problem with trying to use a calculated field is that the same formula will be applied to Grand Total. So, even if we could make the formula:


To give us a 1 or 0 for each month, the Grand Total would only display "1" since it's looking at the Grand Total of Count of KEO and applying the same formula. Is it possible to just have some formulas placed next to the PivotTable that could do the calculations?
I've tried % of row total and it's the same result. It gives the 1s and 0s but the totals don't sum. I can do it outside the pivot, but just wondered if any big brains could think of a way in the pivot.