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Pivot table to be source data for another pivot table


Active Member
Hi All,

Is it possible to use a pivot table as a source data for another pivot table. so that when I change the values in the data field in the main pivot table the same changes shld be reflected in the dependent pivot table.
Hi Srinidhi..

i tried the plain method of any PT, but seems like it is not achieving your expected results..

May be it is possible thru some other means I am sorry could not spend more time on it. :(



PS: may be if you can specify what you are trying to achieve, people may suggest alternate methods.
Thanks Prasaddn,

I have a pivot table with 4 fields, & these files will change every month based on the month name in the values in pivot table like, Jan Plan & Jan Actual, JAN sales.

Now what i want is another 3 pivot tables whos data will be based on the main pivot table, other wise i need to change the values in pivot table every month for all the pivot table.

I want have 3 main pivot table & 3 sub pivot table based on the main pivot table, so totally there will be 12 pivot tables, I dont wont go & change the values in pivot table for 12 pivots......
No. You can source the new pivot tables from a single cache but that won't achieve what you're trying to do. That said, if it's all the same data, you should probably source the data from the first cache.

FWIW, you can pretty easily synch the pivot tables with a absurdly simple bit of vba. You can see an example file that Chandoo wrote about a while ago: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/10/mlb-pitching-stats-dashboard/
Hey dan thanks for that, I went through the link but it does not serve my purpose as I cant use the get pivot data as the value column changes every month.

Is there a code to link all the pivots in a sheet together so If I change the values in one pivot table all other pivot table values shld be changed.
Yup. Just do the same thing and don't use getpivotdata. Literally the vba code is:

pivotfilter1range = "whatever"

pivotfilter2range = "whatever"

pivotfilter3range = "whatever"
Dan, that's the problem, it is not the filter I want to change it is the values in the data field which change every month like sum of JAN Plan, Sum of Jan Actual, Sum of Jan Sales etc....
Ewww. Already crosstab'd data.

What are you using to drive these changes? Like a list box or something?
I know it's a late answer but you can use the Pivot Table and PivotChart Wizard by hitting Alt+D+P and select Another PivotTable report or PivotChart report, then select the main PivotTable and modify the report view as you want to have it.