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Pivot Table Slicer -how to use in formulas!?!!


Hello everyone... I dabble in P.Tables on a daily basis and have stumbled upon the slicer tool (new to 2010) on my own and have grown to like it more and more.

playing around today, i noticed that under the properties of a slicer, it says 'Name to use in formula' the typically says something (by default) like, "slicer_[field name]". and if you start to write a formula in a cell and start typing slicer, you'll see it show up in the quick pick menu.... but i have not be able to find information on how it can be used in formulas!?!

my original idea was to create a cell that simply displayed what the Slicer was displaying... "all" if not filtered and the particular criteria that it is filtering by...

thanks for all your help everyone!!
Hi jason,

I haven't got xl 2010 so no knowledge of slicers, but does this help?

Nice find Oldchippy!! not exactly what i had in mind, but very interesting idea.... may be able to build upon some of this...
