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Pivot Table Slicer Connections Error


Does anyone know why I keep getting the error message "An error occured and the slicer cannot currently be created or connected to PivotTables" when trying to connect a slicer to a second pivot table?
-PivotTable1 and PivotTable2 both use the same data range
-The "slicer connections" box option is accessible
-I can use the same slicer for either PT but I cannot connect it to both.
-Both PTs are visible in the PivotTables connections list but when I try to check both, I get the error message.
I couldn't recreate the situation.
I created two pivot tables from the same data source, connected both to the same slicer and it worked just fine.

Are you using the same date field in each pivot table? Can you provide a file?
The PivotSlicer (or more accurately the PivotSlicerCache) is a member of the PivotCache, NOT the PivotTable.
See http://www.jkp-ads.com/Articles/slicers03.asp

It is likely that your PivotTables are connected do separate PivotCaches and hence cannot share the same slicer.

When creating a second pivot table from the same data source, I copy and paste the first pivot table and then edit it. That way, I know it shares the same PivotCache.
Thanks Eric, I was also able to re-create two PTs and link to the same slicer but I am attempting to link a second PT to an existing larger PT (that would take some time to re-build). There must be some obscure rule somewhere which is causing the error and I'd like to try and identify it so if I need to connect a slicer to a third or fourth PT, I might have a clue without needing to rebuild the existing ones. Thanks again for trying.
Peter, AWESOME idea! I just did it and was able to link the slicer. 15 seconds just saved me a bunch of labor in the office. Thanks!!!
The PivotSlicer (or more accurately the PivotSlicerCache) is a member of the PivotCache, NOT the PivotTable.
See http://www.jkp-ads.com/Articles/slicers03.asp

It is likely that your PivotTables are connected do separate PivotCaches and hence cannot share the same slicer.

When creating a second pivot table from the same data source, I copy and paste the first pivot table and then edit it. That way, I know it shares the same PivotCache.

@PeterB: i thought that if you copy&paste a PivotTbl, then change the one you just pasted, they would both change?
Hi Json,

Not exactly. If you update Pivot1 then Pivot2 will also be updated but you can have completely different layout: Rows, Columns, Data Area etc.

It is just that they are both connected to the same data source (through the PivotCache).