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Pivot table question Excel 97-2003


New Member
Hello. Thank you for letting me join. My question relates to pivot tables.

I am trying to pivot information that comes from two different sources but may have the same name or account number. One source started as a text file but was saved as a 97-2003 workbook. The other source was a copy and paste values from another spreadsheet into the workbook. The pivot table sorts the information fine but it gives me two separate rows for the same account. I have tried sorting by account number and account name and I still get the same results. I have a feeling it might be a formatting issue due to the two separate sources. Any ideas. Thank you for your time.
Good evening mbondy1976

Any chance of removing sensitive data and upload worksheet to Dropbox
Hi bobhc,

I'm not sure what Dropbox is. I tried to use my snipping tool to post a screenshot but it did not work. I'm kinda an amateur when it comes to internet stuff.
Mbondy1976 We are all amateur at some thing :)

This link will take you to Dropbox site, I recommend this site as there is no registration for users and there is no annoying wait too download while you are persuaded to upgrade. And users get an immediate download of the file.

Thanks bobhc,

I think I figured out how to fix the problem. My boss helped me to figure out that it was a formatting issue with the original worksheet. Some of the matching names didn't match because of spacing after the last name of the account and account numbers. example...



So what we figured out was to use text to columns and do a fixed width for each row I was using for the pivot table to pull data from. It seemed to have helped.

I will check out the Dropbox link also. Thanks again.