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Pivot Table Insert new row column and % formula


New Member

I'm trying to fix the Pivot Table for Profit & Loss Statement but there is issue to insert empty row & column after certain types of expenses.

Also I need to insert formula to give all the Expenses as % on Sales.

Please find the attached sample file in below link.


Please advise me with your solutions.


Good day Suresh

You will find it a lot easier to do this in your data sheet and then refresh the pivot table.

You have a lot of "Dummy" columns which do nothing but clutter up the pivot table and make hard to navigate the data and the pivot.

If you turned your data sheet into a table you would be able to filter "on the fly" for reports and to narrow down data search

Thanks....but I'm not understand what you are saying.

I will not have only this much data.This is a sample data only.Probably my data will 20 times than the sample data.

If you can workout and provide the sample file this will much helpful.
