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Pivot Table Filters Issue


Active Member

I have done many a times to do filter like where values are > and < etc.. Some times the pivot table does not gives option to filter by values, they will be grayed out (disabled).... did anybody face the same issue and any solutions?


Are there blank cells in the data perhaps? I believe PivotTables often treat blank cells as text, causing the entire field to be considered a "text" field.
there are no blank cells..

I have some addl piece of info.. my raw data for pivot is a simple two columns, example first col is with salesman name and 2nd is amt.

I have round 700 salesman name, but there is no repeated salesman name!! (May be cause of issue).

when i try the same in pivot filter, i get only 3 options, keep only current item, OR hide current item, OR Top 10... but, I need to show pivot with only salesman where amt is > 100 and less than 200..
Not sure how to do that using a PivotTable...would a helper column work?

Since your data already has unique entries, you could use a formula of:


you can either put in limits manually, or use a cell reference to easily change later.

Refresh the PivotTable, and add the name of helper column to the Page area of PivotTable. Filter on TRUE.