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Pivot Table Empty Row Formulas


New Member
Dear All,

I'm trying to get an output through Pivot table are as follows but unable to insert empty row/column in my pivot table.I don't want to disturb my database like insert additional column data sheet to get empty row/column in my output.

Also i need some idea to fix formula in pivot table not through Calculated field /items.

Values	Value	%on Sales	Requirements
Sales	650	100.0%
Less :- Cost of Sales	406	62.5%	This Formula need come through Pivot table not manually fixed.
Gross Profit	244	37.5%
Rent	66		Space Required(Empty Row)….
Owner's Remuneration	0
Staff Costs	67
Administrative Expenses	19
Selling & Promotion Expenses	15
Total Operating Expenses	167
Operating Profit	77
Interest & Fin. Charges-Corp	0		Space Required(Empty Row)….
Interest & Fin. Charges-Local	0
Hi, zuresh82!

When posting a table or a sample cells from a worksheet would you please follow the instructions at bottom left of this window so as to keep indenting and column alignment?

"Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li.

You can also put code in between backtick ( ` ) characters."

Otherwise consider posting a sample file.

Thank you.
