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pivot subtotal avg NOT EQUAL to pivot details avg


hi all,

i have this problem and i cannot solve it, in my pivot there are 20 countries, period (jan) and value per each country

when i put the period & countries in rows, and values in values..

the subtotal of period showing me 81% avg, while when i tried to combine all value from each countries then avg the value..i get 82.4%

i think this is related with some 0.0 value in some of the countries..

but how can i solve it so when i avg all values from countries..it will showing the exact same avg as period subtotal?

attached the file


thanks all for the advice
Hi, koi!

If you select range C3:C1290 (all the lines with % in column C), you could see in the status bar that the average is 81.0%, the same as if you enter in any blank cell the formula =AVERAGE(C3:C1290).

If you select range G5:G29 (all country averages from pivot table) and you perform the same controls as before, you'd see that the value is now 82.6% (not 82.4% as you stated), and it's because the average of averages isn't equal to the general average.

A short example: 2 countries, 1st with 2 values, 100% and 90%, 2nd with 1 value, 5%: the general average is 65% (195/3), a PT would calculate 95% for 1st and 5% for 2nd, and the average over the PT will give 35% (70/2), which it actually differs -and it's correct- from the previous 65%.

Hope it helps.

hi SirJB,

i also notice that now, if i have 10 country with only single value, then pivot subtotal avg will be same with the detail avg,

however if i have 10 country but there is 1 country has double value, then the avg will be different since the division number change from 10 to 11 in pivot subtotal

Hi, koi!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
