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Pivot Chart Update w/ Drop Down - Apple/Mac issue?


New Member
So, I've got a basic pivot chart tied to a pivot table with some data in it (in this case, project revenue and cost). I have a drop down on the pivot table with the project in it (i.e. Project 1, project 2, etc.). When I filter the pivot table on Project X, the data in the pivot chart should change. It works fine for myself and several co-workers with PC's.

However, one of my 'users' has a Mac with Office 2011 (I believe), and this filtering doesn't seem to work for him. I believe I read someplace that newer versions of office have an issue with this type of chart update. Can anyone tell me how to get this working for the user?
Try pressing f9 or finding the refresh button that looks like an explanation mark (!)

or you may have to call Microsoft :D