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Percentage difference between numbers


New Member
I understand that the formula to calculate an percentage increase between numbers is,


But when does one use =(A1-B1)/A1, is that the formula to show percentage decrease?
No, it would be the same formula


Where A1 is new value, B1 is old value.


Start with 100 units, end with 110 units. This is an increase of:




If we start with 100 unites and end with 90, this is a decrease of:




The sign of the number indicates whether it's an increase/decrease.
Well, that all depends on which of the cells above are the original and new amounts. If we let A1 -> Original Amount and B1-> New Amount then the percentage increase and decrease formulas are as follows:

Percent Increase:


and Percent Decrease:


Both formulas always have this generalized form:


Remember, the subtraction arithmetic in the numerator should always be positive - if it's not, then you are using the wrong measure. The denominator is always the original amount.
This might be helpful for you, too:
