I am tying to spread a number in a cell across 16 cells. So if I have 100 in a cell how can I create a formula to spread that across multiple columns (10) BUT I have a max per cell (so if 100/10 would mean 10 per column but if there were 5 columns then the result would still be 10 per column.
Thoughts on how to implement that?
Extra credit:
If there are 3 cells on three different rows with values that need to be spread across 3 columns on their own but the total spread for a column can't be greater than a number (like a max per column).
Thoughts on how to implement that?
Extra credit:
If there are 3 cells on three different rows with values that need to be spread across 3 columns on their own but the total spread for a column can't be greater than a number (like a max per column).