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Pasting data to powerpoint from excel:

Abhijeet R. Joshi

Active Member
Hi all,

I am not quite sure if this question should be posted here or on the excel forum...
@Ninjas: please change the forum if you think this is not the right forum..

Basically, I have around 40 slides that I need to publish to my client by copy pasting the excel data into powerpoint and then resizing it..

It becomes to hectic to do the resizing part for the 40 slides everyday...

It would of great help if you guys can provide me some shortcuts, powerpoint options or vba codes to do the same...

1. MY data is not of the same range for all the 40 slides, it defers as per the responsible teams...
2. I have tried to find similar threads but had no luck there...
This article might help you out, or some of the comments.

Also, if the presentation is stored on same server/drive as XL data, I'd recommend creating linked data in the PowerPoint. That way it is always pulling accurate information from the XL file(s), and you don't have to keep recreating it. Since you mentioned a client, I'm not sure if this is feasible for you.
Hi, Abhijeet R. Joshi!

I've done a project in PowerPoint which involved creation of slides that build text from a string and using static and dynamic images for each letter. I can't share the images as they're copyrighted and I don't have the time to build the proper samples (52, 26x2) and substitute them. However, there're parts of the code that I can share, so give a look at the linked .pptm file, it has a standard module and a user form. I hope that at least you'd extract tips about how to deal with PP object model components.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/60558749/Pasting data to powerpoint from excel_ - Using kamasutra images - internal version (for Abhijeet R. Joshi at chandoo.org).pptm


PS: Code fully functional, provided as it is, no warranty at all (lawyer's advice :))
Hi SirJB7,

If OP is producing new slides each day then you are correct. I update my own presentation this way. Everything is linked to excel sheet. I change slides when the month ends. :) (Or may be i have not understood correctly what he asked for)
I understood that he updates the slides every day from 40 sources. Maybe I didn't understand too. Let him confirm. That's why I posted the file with the code for creating slides and objects within them.
Hi SirJB7 & Faseeh,
Apologies if my earlier post dint had this clarifies...:oops: , but my data changes everyday and may vary highly on the month start, mid month and month ends..
Hi, Abhijeet R. Joshi!

If your slides change everyday (in design, in number, etc.) then you'd go towards any VBA solution as that of my example.

If your slides are always the same and only the data changes at its source (Excel) then go with Faseeh's and b(ut)ob(ut)hc solutions.
