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Pasting a border without the cell contents


Hi guys. I read the section on pasting but it does not answer my question.
I have a row of blank cells with a specific border on them. I need to paste this row into several places in my table. I am trying to do it in one operation using CTRL rather than by repeatedly using the paste border operations.
In other words to speed this process up I have a row of blank cells that contain the border. I need to copy/paste the border only into sections of my table so that the border only gets pasted and so it does not paste the blank cell as well and therefore delete the data in the cells in my table.
Can this be done without a macro?
I am quite competent with the paste special features but cannot get it to do this operation.
Hi ,

Can you not use the Format Painter to do this ? Double clicking on the Format Painter button will allow you to paste the format in multiple places one after the other.
