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paste value all sheets then delete several sheets


New Member
Hi dear professors
i need an emergency help again please
you are just like angles in my work life
in sample file(attachede) i need a vb code that paste special all data in all sheets on them with out any error or question from user and just be remain data in file without formula but with links.( links remain)
then delete several sheets ( coding and centers and Targets )
then save file with excel name in .xlsb(binary mode) like save such as: sample.xlsb
thanks thanks thanks alot
you are like hero in my life


  • Sample.rar
    978.9 KB · Views: 1
Max 1MB
Create a sample Excel-file which has needed sheets and sample datas.
You seems to send a ... rar-file.
Maybe someone else will open and check it - good luck.


You should able to explain other ways next sentence:
paste special all data in all sheets on them with out any error or question from user and just be remain data in file without formula but with links.
What should do?
... some kind of expected result would help a lot too.
excuse me
my english is not good
i live in iran
with this macro i need that copy every sheets and paste value all data on its self(all sheets) without any question from user
with this vba i need to replace all formulas with data
there are several links in this workbook and i need to dose not delete these links
very simple explain: i need to remove all formulas in entire of workbook(all worksheets) and then delete several sheets that i named at first and then save workbook in binary format.
thanks alot