Somebody else correct me if I'm wrong, but creating what you are asking is a monumental task, particularly in light of the fact that your data is not consistently the same, i.e. Company, Address, Phone, and Category are all of different lengths. Is it impossible, probably not, but it will take a lot of time to cover every possibility and move the data correctly, especially in light of the fact that you have no consistent delimiters in your data.
The easy part is the Company since it's all in one cell, but then you hit the Address with the Phone imbedded in it, followed by more Address, and then finally Business Category with inconsistent ":" vs. "-".
If you have 10s of thousands to do, it may make sense to do it, but from where I stand, I don't see a simple solution and creating a data base with MS Access or equivalent may be your best bet.
All the best in however you decide to go.