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Particular Cell Locked

Ayush Goel

New Member
Dear Team,

I just want to protect the particular cell based on numeric value/text value change in another cell.

I don't know whether its work on formula based or VBA based.

So, May I request you guys please help on this.

Ayush Goel
Many things are possible.
You should give more details
eg what would be connection between protected cell and another cell?
Do Your 'protect' means protect or cannot select or cannot edit or both?
... and a sample file would help You.

I want to prepare company master data where I can mention all the Login Credentials details in the master file.

Below is the table.

Company Name Protected / Un-protected User Name Password
ABC Lt d Protected Unlock the Cell Unlock the Cell
ABC Ltd Un-protected Lock the Cell Lock the Cell
If I'll mention *Protected* than I want to unlock the cells in *User Name Column* and *Password Column* and If I'll mention *Un-protected* than by default *User Name Cell* and *Password Cell* should be Locked.

+91 - 9599552700
Ayush Goel
This is 'Ask an Excel Question'-forum,
then a sample file would be Excel-file ...
It's a challenge to find answers nor details from Your 'sample file' ...
ps. I won't test that possible telephone number.