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open same workbook's sheet


Dear All,

How to add hyperlink by function in a workbook to open same workbook's sheet.

I know function is- hyperlink()

but don't know how to give parameter.

Synopsis:- There are multiple sheets named 1,2,3,.31(showing date).I want to give on each page thus on click I get current date's sheet.

My Formula:- =hyperlink("#"&"DAY(TODAY())","open")

Thanks & Regards,

Ravindra Bisht
Hi Bisht ,

Since you can only move to a valid address , in addition to specifying the sheet name , you also need to give a cell address in your HYPERLINK function. Try this :


Hi Ravindra ,

The address you specify in the HYPERLINK function is the one to which the cursor will relocate ; so if you are in Sheet5 , and your cursor is on the formula =HYPERLINK("#"&DAY(TODAY())&"!"&"A1","open") , which is entered in cell K37 , then when you click on the hyperlink , Sheet5 will be deactivated , your worksheet named 30 ( because today is October 30 ) will be activated , and the cursor will be positioned in cell A1.

If your formula reads =HYPERLINK("#"&DAY(TODAY())&"!"&"J55","open") , then when you click on the hyperlink ( in K37 on Sheet5 ) your cursor will relocate to the cell J55 on the tab labelled 30.
