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open pdf files in folder based hyperlinks in excel rage and save to a folder


New Member

I have 750 pdf documents of my company's barnches. I need to seperate all those pdf documents branch wise.

For that we need to open those pdf files through excel hyperlinks and save in folder (opened files).

Please help me out on this.

Hi Sekhar,

Why not just copy the files to appropriate folders? And why do you need to involve hyperlinks?

Hi Asa,

Thanks for reply.

The problem here is, there is no way to find out the file of a particular vendor.

The file names are saved with a unique ID of Vendor.

For example, I have a vendor called ABC Company.

If we want to save the above vendor file into a seperate folder, we need to open all files, check the names and save in a other folder.

As we have 1000 files in a folder, how much time it takes to find out a vendor file.

Here, my idea to create hyperlinks to the all files in that particluar folder and segregate based on the ID and save into the folders.

Please let me know if you need any other information.

Thanks and Regards,

Sekhar Dasari

I can give you the file names as ...........




and so on......

Hi Sekhar ,

From what I understand , each vendor is identified by their unique ID , so if AAACB2894G is the ID for ABC Company , then all files which begin with this ID will "belong" to ABC Company.

Is this so ?

Hi Narayan,

You are right, each and every file has started with the unique ID of the vendor ( as mentioned in the previous post).

Hi Sekhar,

Happy holidays and new year!

What I was getting at, is that you could use a macro to copy the files based on their filename. As you've indicated, the files are all coded according to their vendor unique ID, so the macro could copy the files into folders according to vendor ID.

Unfortunately, I have no time to help further right now, but hopefully others can get you going with that solution or another.


you have to do a few tasks before a solution can be made for you.

1 - you need a list of all the unique vendor IDs and the Company names. This is necessary what ever method you do so you might as well go and start colecting that information.

2 - you need to notify us of the path where the files are stored and an example of where you want them stored ( it is possible to write the script so that you can specify it, but it would be better to check these first.)

3 - you need to decide how you want to change the file names. I suggest that you store them with the same name, and you just name the folder. e.g with the vendor id and name like "ABC123 - Company ABC"

here is a link to some code that might help with collecting the names
