I needed help generating a formula week wise. My goal is to have the First Contact (FC) and Follow-up (FU) calculated from Wednesday of a week to the Tuesday of next week by looking at the dates. So, in this case on cell M10 the FC should be 5 and on cell N10 the FU should be 3 and then again it would calculate for the next week from Wednesday until Tuesday so on M16 it should calculate FC as 1 and on N16 the FU as 4. I need to continuously record data for further weeks therefore need a formula which could do so. Would a SUMIF be a good option here?
Currently I have the following formulas:
=COUNTIF(A:A,"First Contact") which calculates 6
=COUNTIF(A:A,"Follow-up") which calculates 7
Currently I have the following formulas:
=COUNTIF(A:A,"First Contact") which calculates 6
=COUNTIF(A:A,"Follow-up") which calculates 7