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One sheet as summary of values of +100 sheets


New Member
I use 1 workbook per month with +100 sheets using the same data fields different values, I would like to run a macro that would list the values in a single separate sheet as a summary. In other words a new sheet with each worksheet’s specific cell values listed in rows beneath each other, so that the monthly values can be totalled and reported.
Hi ExcelUKE

You do not need a macro to do that, if the structure of the Summary is static you can link the summary to your sheets.

If you want to make it more dynamic as the sheet names change or to copy the formula down all rows use the INDIRECT function for the Sheet Names in your formula
Hi ExcelUke,

Here is an example:

You have four sheets - Summary, One, Two, Three

You have Data in C10 of sheets One, Two & Three

On the summary Sheet - A1 - "One", A2 - "Two", A3 - "Three"

in column B insert the cell you want form these sheets, so B1, B2, B3 - "C2"

Insert the following formula in C1 =INDIRECT(A1&"!"&B1) and copy down

You know have the data from the sheets on the summary sheet