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on vlookup


New Member
vlookup function returns the first value that is encountered. Is there any option to get the data related to 3rd occurance or so. to clear my query i did like to use the following example.

I got this list of bills along with vendor codes

1 VEN1122 MAY PAID-3/7

2 VEN1122 JUN

3 VEN1122 JUL

and so on.

Now using vlookup if i search for VEN1122 i will get the resultant as REC11. Is there a possibility to get the details of second (or for that matter 3 or 4) occurance

Thanks for your responses and help. In anticipation.
You could use a helper column with this formula: (I'll assume you insert it as a new col B)


Then, change your VLOOKUP to reference the helper column and change it to:


I used text strings, but it could easily incorporate cell references:

check this link for more explanation of what Luke M is suggesting.



Prasad DN