Hi there!
Lots of great threads going on right now. I'm learning a ton!!
Of course, I have a problem though. I was given a spreadsheet with multiple numeric entries in one cell like this:
Some have only 2 entries, others have 15. What I'm trying to do is pull each entry out into its own row. I've tried using the Chandoo technique with a formula like this:
=MID($D$57,E57,IF(ISERROR(D2),99,F57-E57)), where E57 has the value of FIND(" ",1) in my list, but, there are no spaces for it to consider. One consistency though is that every value is only 5 digits long. Each row seems to be separated/created by a carriage return of ALT+enter.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
Lots of great threads going on right now. I'm learning a ton!!
Of course, I have a problem though. I was given a spreadsheet with multiple numeric entries in one cell like this:
Some have only 2 entries, others have 15. What I'm trying to do is pull each entry out into its own row. I've tried using the Chandoo technique with a formula like this:
=MID($D$57,E57,IF(ISERROR(D2),99,F57-E57)), where E57 has the value of FIND(" ",1) in my list, but, there are no spaces for it to consider. One consistency though is that every value is only 5 digits long. Each row seems to be separated/created by a carriage return of ALT+enter.
Any input is greatly appreciated.